Keywords: Andrada Ciupeiu, Henrietta Varady, Tudor Gliga, Tudor Ciupeiu, Johann Kaspar Mertz, Antonin Dvořak, Pablo de Sarasate, Ciprian Porumbescu, Josef Suk, George Enescu, A. B. Mangoré, ballad, The Memorial House: „Aurel Lazăr”, Aurel Chiriac, Faculty of Arts of the University of Oradea
Abstract: Evenings with Musical Jewelry at The Memorial House: „Aurel Lazăr” – Oradea had the second edition on Wednesday, April 1st, and the repertoire was centered on the ballad genre or the epic character of the presented pieces. The soloists were PhD. Andrada Ciupeiu (violin), Henrietta Varady (piano) and Tudor Gliga (guitar). Before each interpretation, PhD. Tudor Ciupeiu exposed a short presentation of the context or the most important aspects of each work composing and significance.
2015.01.29. Evanthia-Maria Marta, SERATE CU BIJUTERII MUZICALE LA CASA MEMORIALĂ „AUREL LAZĂR” Ediția I / EVENINGS WITH MUSICAL JEWELRY,, Keywords: The Memorial House: „Aurel Lazăr”, Faculty of Arts of the University of Oradea, Aurel Chiriac, Andrada Ciupeiu, Tudor Ciupeiu, Tóth Johanna, Réthi Brigitta Alexandra Dudaş, Bodizs Ervin, Maria Duțu, Larisa Ștefan, Filomena Giordano, Ramona Rațiu, Tudor Gliga, Cristian Gheorghiu, Ramona Chiş, Vlad Coşarcă, Ionuț Chilințan, Theodore Coresi, Beke Istvan, J.S. Bach, Fr. Veracini, W.A. Mozart, R. Schumann, J. Brahms, J. Strauss, L. Delibes, S. Clark, E. Ysaÿe, G. Puccini, Fr. Lehár, S. Rachmaninov, G. Enescu, A. B. Mangoré, W. Walton, M. Pujol.
Evenings with Musical Jewelry, representing a season of concerts, is a new project initiated by three members of the pedagogical staff from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Oradea: professor PhD. Aurel Chiriac, PhD. Tudor Ciupeiu, PhD. Andrada Ciupeiu, to ensure the musician students the ability to use their talent in public appearance, and this suite of musical events had the first edition on Thursday, January 29, 2015, at The Memorial House: „Aurel Lazăr” – Oradea.

Keywords: Bánffy Miklós Days, Hungarian Opera from Cluj - Napoca, reconstruction of the 1918 premiere of Bluebeard Castle by Béla Bartók, Wooden Prince, Miklós Szinetár, The Great Lord - Count Bánffy Miklós, Molnár Mária, Szilágyi János, Lörincz Gyula, Szebeny Zsuzsa, György Selmeczi, Ókovács Szilveszter, Szep Gyula, Balázs Barbara, Pataki Adorján, Palerdi András Vigh Ibolya Egyed Apollónia Covacinschi Yolanda, Bardon Tony, Sándor Árpád, Sándor Csaba, Balla Sándor, Kulcsár Szabolcs,, Kolonits Klára and Nyári Zoltán, Palerdi András, Dance of Salome -Jakab Melinda,Szegő András, Kozmér Alexandra, Cserta József.

Abstract: From 18 to 20 of November 2014 took place at the Hungarian Opera from Cluj- Napoca, a commemorative festival dedicated to a great director, designer, painter, writer, politician and visionary man of culture which was count Bánffy Miklós. Originary from Transylvania where his family owned the castle of Bonțida, near Cluj, and despite all political and historical vicissitudes, count was stubborn to remain an artist. Once appointed as manager at the Opera of Budapest 1912-1918, he reformed the repertoire policy, risking to stage two obscure works written by an young, unknown and refused composer named Bartók Béla: The Bluebeard’s Castle and the Wooden Prince.

The events brought together leading men of Romanian and Hungarian opera’s world, four managers: mister Ókovács Szilveszter (Budapest) Marius Budoiu (Romanian Opera from Cluj-Napoca), Razvan Ioan Dincă (National Opera from Bucharest) and the host of events, mister Szép Gyula (Hungarian Opera from Cluj), the famous director of film and opera Szinetár Miklós, two conductors Selmeczi György and Kulcsár Szabolcs, the orchestra of the Hungarian Opera from Cluj, designers, dancers, musicians, singers, performers from Budapest and Cluj-Napoca. One of the most important events was the reconstruction of the 1918 premiere of Bluebeard Castle opera, whose costume and stage design was created by count Bánffy Miklós no more than a hundred years ago. The artists who gave life to this opera was the performers: Molnár Mária (Judith) and Szilágyi János (Bluebeard Prince), Lörincz Gyula – stage designer, Szebeny Zsuzsa - costume designer, Szinetár Miklós - director, Hungarian Opera Orchestra conducted by Selmeczi György. Of a particular and significant importance was the representation of two artistic films signed by Hungarian director Szinetár Miklós - The Great Lord- Count Bánffy Miklós and the 1984 opera moovie, The Bluebeard Castle (conductor Georg Solti) followed by interesting discussions with the director.

The Opera Gala In memoriam Bánffy Miklós from 20-th of November, was presented by the manager of the Opera from Budapest mister Ókovács Szilveszter, the manager of Hungarian Opera from Cluj Szép Gyula and the director Szinetár Miklós. In the first part, the orchestra, choir, and soloists of Hungarian Opera from Cluj: Balázs Barbara, Pataki Adorján, Palerdi András Vigh Ibolya Egyed Apollónia Covacinschi Yolanda, Bardon Tony, Sándor Árpád, Sándor Csaba, Balla Sándor, performed arias, duets and sextet, choirs from Mozart and Verdi operas conducted by Kulcsár Szabolcs. In the second part, the soloists of the Budapest, Kolonits Klára and Nyári Zoltán brightly performed arias and duets, from Hoffmann’ s Tales by Offenbach, and Palerdi András with arias from Mozart operas. Two dances marked the spectacular end: Dance of Salome, from omonime opera by Richard Strauss performed and created by choreographer Jakab Melinda, and Pas de deux, Puppett Dance from Wooden Prince by Bartók Béla performed by Hungarian dancers Szegő András, Kozmér Alexandra and Cserta József.

Box / Rubrica 3: Reviews

Recenzii / Reviews: 5

1.      2011.07.05. Autor / Author: Mircea Valeriu Diaconescu Autor / Author: Felician Roşca Prof.univ. Dr. Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara - Facultatea de Muzică - Psalmi Hugenoţi  article,  

2.      2011.04.21. Joi / Thursday Editura Universităţii din Oradea Redactor / Editor: Carmen Vasile Conf.univ. Dr. Universitatea din Oradea - Facultatea de Muzică - Deceniu muzical universitar  article,  

3.      2011.01.10. Luni / Monday ora / h. 16:30 Oradea - Librăria Gutenberg Autor / Author: Mihai Vieru Asist.univ. Dr. Universitatea din Oradea - Facultatea de Muzică - Poate ne vedem - antologie  article,  

4.      2010.12.23. Joi / Thursday Autor / Author: Mihai Vieru Asist.univ. Dr. Universitatea din Oradea - Facultatea de Muzică - Poesis internaţional - NR. 1  article,  

5.      2010.12.12. Duminică / Sunday Oradea - Editura Imprimeriei de Vest Cuvânt înainte / Foreword: Carmen Vasile Conf.univ. Dr. Universitatea din Oradea - Facultatea de Muzică - Dansuri şi jocuri populare  article,  

Cronici / Chronicles: 6

1.      2015.01.29. Joi / Thursday Autor / Author: Evanthia-Maria Marta Lect.univ. Dr. Universitatea din Oradea - Facultatea de Arte - SERATE CU BIJUTERII MUZICALE LA CASA MEMORIALĂ „AUREL LAZĂR” Ediția I
 article,  Keywords: The Memorial House: „Aurel Lazăr”, Faculty of Arts of the University of Oradea, Aurel Chiriac, Andrada Ciupeiu, Tudor Ciupeiu, Tóth Johanna, Réthi Brigitta Alexandra Dudaş, Bodizs Ervin, Maria Duțu, Larisa Ștefan, Filomena Giordano, Ramona Rațiu, Tudor Gliga, Cristian Gheorghiu, Ramona Chiş, Vlad Coşarcă, Ionuț Chilințan, Theodore Coresi, Beke Istvan, J.S. Bach, Fr. Veracini, W.A. Mozart, R. Schumann, J. Brahms, J. Strauss, L. Delibes, S. Clark, E. Ysaÿe, G. Puccini, Fr. Lehár, S. Rachmaninov, G. Enescu, A. B. Mangoré, W. Walton, M. Pujol Cuvinte cheie: Casa memorială „Aurel Lazăr”, Facultatea de Arte a Universității din Oradea, Aurel Chiriac, Andrada Ciupeiu, Tudor Ciupeiu, Tóth Johanna, Réthi Brigitta Alexandra Dudaş, Bodizs Ervin, Maria Duțu, Larisa Ștefan, Filomena Giordano, Ramona Rațiu, Tudor Gliga, Cristian Gheorghiu, Ramona Chiş, Vlad Coşarcă, Ionuț Chilințan, Theodore Coresi, Beke Istvan, J.S. Bach, Fr. Veracini, W.A. Mozart, R. Schumann, J. Brahms, J. Strauss, L. Delibes, S. Clark, E. Ysaÿe, G. Puccini, Fr. Lehár, S. Rachmaninov, G. Enescu, A. B. Mangoré, W. Walton, M. Pujol Abstract: Evenings with Musical Jewelry, representing a season of concerts, is a new project initiated by three members of the pedagogical staff from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Oradea: professor PhD. Aurel Chiriac, PhD. Tudor Ciupeiu, PhD. Andrada Ciupeiu, to ensure the musician students the ability to use their talent in public appearance, and this suite of musical events had the first edition on Thursday, January 29, 2015, at The Memorial House: „Aurel Lazăr” – Oradea.

2.      2014.11.21. Vineri / Friday Autor / Author: Mirela Mercean - Ţârc Conf.univ. Dr. Universitatea din Oradea - Facultatea de Arte - ZILELE BÁNFFY MIKLÓS LA OPERA MAGHIARĂ DIN CLUJ / BÁNFFY MIKLÓS DAYS AT THE HUNGARIAN OPERA FROM CLUJ  article,  Keywords: Bánffy Miklós Days, Hungarian Opera from Cluj - Napoca, reconstruction of the 1918 premiere of Bluebeard Castle by Bartók Béla, Wooden Prince, Szinetár Miklós, The Great Lord - Count Bánffy Miklós, Molnár Mária, Szilágyi János, Lörincz Gyula Szebeny Zsuzsa, Selmeczi György, Ókovács Szilveszter, Szép Gyula, Balázs Barbara, Pataki Adorján, Palerdi András Vigh Ibolya Egyed Apollónia Covacinschi Yolanda, Bardon Tony, Sándor Árpád, Sándor Csaba, Balla Sándor, Kulcsár Szabolcs, Kolonits Klára and Nyári Zoltán, Palerdi András, Dance of Salome - Jakab Melinda, Szegő András, Kozmér Alexandra, Cserta József.

3.      2013.05.15. Mirecuri / Wednesday Oradea Autor / Author: Evanthia-Maria Marta Lect.univ. Dr. Universitatea din Oradea, Facultatea de Arte - MIRELA MERCEAN ȚÂRC: CRISTALIZAREA FORMEI DE SONATĂ ÎN SECOLUL AL XVIII-LEA – ÎN LITERATURA MUZICALĂ PENTRU INSTRUMENTE CU CLAVIATURĂ – recenzie  ̸ MIRELA MERCEAN ȚÂRC: THE SONATA FORM CRYSTALLIZATION IN THE 18TH CENTURY – IN THE MUSICAL LITERATURE FOR KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS – review  article,  Keywords: sonata form, Baroque sonata, the classic sonata pattern, aestethic conception, mono-bi-multi-themed, dramaturgy, binary form, ternary, Domenico Scarlatti, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Domenico Cimarosa, J. Haydn, W.A.Mozart, L. van Beethoven. Abstract: In his volume: The Sonata Form Crystallization in the 18th Century – in the Musical Literature for Keyboard Instruments, the author Mirela Mercean Țârc provides to us a consistent and detailed documentation concerning the evolution of sonata form until the completion of its general classic pattern. Presentation of valuable opinions authors expressed themselves in this respect, through the filter of the scientist follows the plan of a logical and analytical research. The exposure starts from a fundamental premise, namely the transformations taking place in the aesthetic vision of the confluence of classicism and Baroque eras: If for the musical language the expression of "a single effect, decomposed, detailed, endlessly configured in another way but always qualitatively identical to itself" was a major objective of the Baroque, "the hallmark of the new aesthetic is the freedom of States to not fall exclusively within the scope of a single mood but to progress from one to another" – page 4, where is being quoted the work Classicism from Bach to Beethoven (page 275 and page 277) of Wilhelm Georg Berger. Based on this differentiation in the aesthetical conception area, architectural pattern will follow an evolutionary path that, says the author, knows three steps: „the first phase, between the years 1700-1735, of the Baroque sonata form – a binary shape – the second stage, between 1735-1770 preclassical mono-bi-multi-themed binary form, and the third stage (1770-1800), of the bi-themed, ternary classical sonata. In this last stage of becoming, the crystallization of the innovative thinking subsumed discursive elements, will follow its natural course of enrollment in the classical style, through synthesis operated by the big three `playwrights` of the musical language, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven.” (page 4-5).
The author’s interest is made for the first two stages, the less addressed from the perspective of `germ` detection in various movements of works named "sonata", composed until about the year 1770, and who will determine the main features of the classic sonata form crystallized in the third phase, more often and in detail analyzed.

4.      2011.03.22. Marţi / Tuesday OradeaPress Autor / Author: Oana Lianu Conf.univ. Dr. Universitatea din Oradea - Facultatea de Muzică - O prezenţă încântătoare la Palatul Cotroceni  article,  

5.      2011.03.11. Vineri / Friday Autor / Author: Czumbil Bernadette Asist.univ. drd. Universitatea din Oradea - Facultatea de Muzică - Cu Mozart aproape de perfecţiune  article,  

6.      2010.12.30. Joi / Thursday Oradea - Orădeanul Autor / Author: Mihai Attila Szabo Prof. Liceul de Artă Oradea - Orădeanul Mihai Szabo este profesorul de chitară care pregăteşte marii artişti de mâine  article,