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Tudor-Vasile Ciupeiu |
dirijoral şi-l face în anul 2006 cu orchestra Adelfotis, a cărui fondator este; de asemenea, este cofondator al
orchestrei Harmonia Cordis, iar pe
plan naţional debutul l-a susţinut cu Filarmonica din Sibiu în anul 2008. Are
în experienţă numeroase concerte şi masterclass-uri, atât naţionale cât şi
internaţionale, din care amintim: concerte cu Filarmonica din Oradea,
Filarmonica din Sibiu, orchestra Czech
Virtuosi (Brno), orchestra Camerata
Regală, orchestra Harmonia Cordis,
orchestra Academiei de Muzică „Gh. Dima”, orchestra Medicilor „V. Papilian” din
Cluj-Napoca, orchestra și corul Facultății de Muzică din Oradea, iar
MasterClass-uri cu: Jorma Panula și Jin Wang, Daniel Harding şi Mark Stringer
(bursă intergală), Enrique Garcia Asensio, Petr Zejfart și Michele Barchi
(muzică barocă), ș.a.
colaborat cu soliști de renume precum: Daniel Podlovski (România), Daniela
Gililov (Austria), Paul Sârbu (concert-maestru al Filarmonicii de Stat
Transilvania), Ingrid Vermeulen (Olanda), Zoltán Réman, Dumitru Cernei, Andrei
Constantin ș.a.
repertorială cuprinde lucrări din toate epocile de creație, atingând și sfera
contemporaneității, precum și opusuri românești prezentate în primă audiție.
15 Decembrie 2013 îşi face debutul în calitate de compozitor cu lucrarea
intitulată Colinda noastră... pentru toţi,
compusă pentru cor mixt, orchestră de coarde şi clopote. Tot atunci îşi
prezintă şi unele din creaţiile sale literar-muzicale, ce aparţin conceptului filopoemuzozifie.
plan academic, a participat la sesiuni ştiinţifice, simpozioane și congrese în
centre din toată ţara, este coorganizator al mai multor festivaluri naționale
și cu participare internațională, precum și organizator de concerte educative
destinate copiilor și elevilor.
Tudor-Vasile Ciupeiu (b. 1985 Cluj-Napoca) follows the whole cycle of education (primary,
high school and academic) in his hometown: first at "S.Toduţă" High School
of Music, and later at "Gheorghe Dima" Academy of Music. After
studying piano for 12 years, he turns to the art of conducting, studying with maestro
Petre Sbârcea. In his first year of Masters Degree, he begins his teaching
career, occupying the orchestra conductor position at the Faculty of Music of
the University of Oradea. In short time, the area expands by adding chamber
music, opera and piano classes. He is currently a PhD student at the Faculty of
Arts and Design of the Timișoara West University, in joint degrees with
"Gheorghe Dima" Academy of Music
from Cluj-Napoca, with an interdisciplinary theme. Also in presen, he
attends a conducting master course at the National University of Music in
Bucharest, with Master Jin Wang.
conductor he makes his debut with Adelfotis
orchestra, whom he founded in 2006, is co-founder of Harmonia Cordis orchestra and nationally he debuts with Sibiu State
Philharmonic Orchestra in 2008. Has experienced numerous concerts and master
classes, both national and international, among them: concerts with Oradea
State Philharmonic, Sibiu State Philharmonic, Czech Virtuosi (Brno), Royal
Camerata Harmonia Cordis, "Gh. Dima" Academy of Music Orchestra,
"V. Papilian" Physicians
Orchestra from Cluj-Napoca, the orchestra and choir from Oradea Faculty of
Music, and Master Classes with: Jorma Panula and Jin Wang, Daniel Harding and
Mark Stringer (full scholarship granted), Enrique Garcia Asensio, Petr Zejfart
and Michele Barchi (Baroque music), etc.
collaborated with renowned soloists such as: Daniel Podlovski (Romania),
Daniela Gililov (Austria), Paul Sîrbu (concertmaster of the Transylvania State
Philharmonic), Ingrid Vermeulen (Netherlands), Zoltán Réman, Dumitru Cernei,
Andrei Constantin and others.
repertoire list includes works from all epochs of musical creation, extending
to contemporary pieces and romanian works performed in first audition.
December 15, 2013 he made his debut as composer with the work entitled Our Carol ... for all, composed for
mixed choir, string orchestra and bells. Also he presented some of his
literary-musical creations belonging to the concept: phylopoemusosiphy.
the academic level, he attended many scientific sessions, congresses and conferences
in centers across the country, is co-organizer of several national festivals
with international participation and also organizes educational concerts for
children and students.
Tudor-Vasile Ciupeiu
Prep.univ. Universitatea din Oradea - Facultatea de Muzică
e-mail: tottoss2002@yahoo.com
tel: 004 0724 052967