Wednesday, May 1, 2013


ANUL / YEAR III / Nr. 9 / 2013. 04.-06.
Muzică / Music
Rubrica / Box: Evenimente / Events

2013.05.17-19 Vineri / Friday Oradea Posticum
Posticum Jazzfestival


This years JAZZFESTIVAL stands for international cultural cooperations, worldwide collective and ecumenical spirit!
Friday May 17 - 20:00 PM

Starting with the BEG BLUES BAND – well established at SIBIU JAZZFESTIVAL, we are providing a well known jazz- & bluesband with a more than 20 year old successful music-history!
Enjoy their trusted know-how:
Maria Chioran – Vocal
Lucian Nagy – Saxophones/Djembe
Toni Kühn – Keys
Johnny Bota – Bass/Violin
Alex Man – Guitar
Licã Dolga – Drums

Saturday May 18 - 20:00 PM
Our surprise for this years Jazzfestival is undoubtedly ANNETTE LOWMAN, performing Jazz singer from Portland, US! She´ll entertain our city for a whole Saturday night with remarkeble tunes and melodies from the „other side of the world“!
Annette Lowman – Vocal
Vukán György – Keys
Pezek Christian – Bass
Balázs Elemér – Drums

Sunday May 19
is reserved for new art of experimental joy and and recollection:
first, BALÁZS ELEMÉR Group will perform in a NEW STANDUP: from 19:30 PM
Szoke Nikoletta – vocal
Szakonyi Milán – vocal
Komjáti Áron – guitar
Peczek Lakatos Krisztián – bass
Balázs József – piano
Balázs Elemér – drums

MAIN EVENT on Sunday at 21:00 PM will be a performance from
VUKÁN GEORGE & ANNETE LOWMAN – a journey through the „Missa Ad Dominum Christum“, written by Vukan George in the early nineties for the (remarkable) occasion of the remarkable visit of Pope John Paul II. in Budapest - dedicating the evening to the spirit of „2013 – year of the faith“

It would give us great pleasure to welcome YOU at this years UNIQUE intercultural mission in ORADEA!
If you have any questions or you want to contact us, click on e-mail address:
contact@posticumjazz.roThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Address: RO - 410477 Oradea, Teiului street, No. 26