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Krzysztof Kostrzewa |
Krzysztof Kostrzewa (b. 12 August 1961 Częstochowa, Poland) is a
composer, music theoretician and pedagogue. He graduated from Academy of Music
in Kraków, where he received a diploma in theory of music (1987) and
composition (class of Bogusław Schaeffer, 1992). In 1994-1997 he studied theory
of music in Stattliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart
(class of Matthias Hermann). Since 1989 he has participated in many
masterclasses of electronic and computer music (Kraków, Amsterdam, Schwaz, Stuttgart,
Helsinki); in 2005 and 2007 he participated in masterclasses lead by Karlheinz
Stockhausen in Kürten near Cologne. In 2012 he received a degree of assistant‑professor
(doktor habilitowany) of composition in Academy of Music in Kraków on the basis
of the piece Magnificat na solistów, chór
i orkiestrę (Magnificat for soli, choir and orchestra) and its description Mój Magnificat w kontekście postmodernistycznych technik kompozytorskich (My Magnificat in the context of postmodern
composition technic). In 1988-1994 he thought in Academy of Music in Kraków,
since 1989 he has thought in University of Rzeszów (before 2001 Pedagogic
College in Rzeszów). He has composed over fifty pieces (instrumental,
vocal-instrumental and electronic) performed in Poland and abroad (Germany,
Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine). He has published papers
on the theory of music, mainly on the history of serialism.